Ganesh Pancharatna Psalm - Ajay thakur लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं
Ganesh Pancharatna Psalm - Ajay thakur लेबलों वाले संदेश दिखाए जा रहे हैं. सभी संदेश दिखाएं

शुक्रवार, 6 अप्रैल 2018

Ganesh Pancharatna Psalm

Ganesh Chaturthi is considered as the best for the cultivation of Ganesha. By worshiping this 10 days, Lord Ganesha gives a boon to the seeker of all accomplishments and desires. In the morning, after reading the meditation of the Shree Ganesh Pancharatna, all the desires of the person are completed. The importance of this psalm created by Adi Guru Shankaracharya is unique.

Ganesh Pancharatna saint by Adi Guru Shankaracharya|
Muda karatt modakam sada vimukti sadhkam|
Kaldharavasantkam vilasilok hkshakam|
Anjykaik nayakam vinashitebha daityakam|
Natashubhashu nashkam namami tam vinayakam||1||
Natetirati bhikaram navoditark bhaswaram|
Namtsurari nirjaram natadhikaududdharam|
Sureshwaram nadhiswarm gajeswaram ganeshwarm|
Maheswarm tamashraye pratparam nirantaram||2||
Samast lok shankaram nirast daitya kunjaram |
Daretarodaram varam varebh vaktramraksharam|
Kripakaram kshamakaram mudakaram yashashkaram|
Manaskaram namaskritam namskaromi bhaswaram||3||
Akinchnarti marjanam chirantnokti bhajanam|
Purari poorva nandanam surari garv charvanam|
Prapanch nash bhishanam dhananjyadi bhushanam|
Kapol danvaram bhaje puran varanam||4||
Nitanti kanti dant kanti mant kanti katmajam|
Achintya roopmant heen mantray krintanam|
Hridantare nirantaram vasantmev yoginam|
Tamekdantmev tam vichintayami santatam||5||
Mahaganesh panchratnamadaren yonvaham|
Prajalpati prabhatake haridi smaran ganeshwarm|
Arogatamdoshatam susahitim suputratam|
Samahitayu rashtabhooti mabhyupaiti sochirat||
Iti Shri Shankracharya virachitam Shri Mahaganesh Panchratnam sampurnam.

Its implications are as follows:
I offer Goddess Ganesha with modak with his hands, which is the
provider of salvation. The moon whose heads are crowned like a 
crown is King of King, who killed the elephant named Gazasur and 
demolished the sins of all the people worshiping Ganesha. || 1||

I pay constant attention to Lord Ganesha, who are not dedicated, 
who shine like the Usha period, which all the monsters and deities 
respect, which are the best in God.||2||
I bow my mind before the shining Lord Ganapati, who is the provider 
of all the happiness of the world, who killed the Gazasur demon, who 
has a big stomach, has a beautiful face like an elephant, which is 
indestructible, even forgiveness Forgive and provide happiness and 
fame, and are the providers of wisdom || 3 ||
I worship those elephants like God who remove the pain of the poor, 
who is the abode of Om, who is the first son of Lord Shiva, who is 
going to destroy the enemies of God, who are fierce like destruction, 
Those who are wicked like a yard and are Dhananjay and bear the 
snake as their jewelery || 4 ||
I always reflect that God with tender teeth, whose teeth are very 
beautiful, whose form is immortal and indestructible, who remove all 
obstacles, and who always live in the heart of Yogis. || 5 ||
The person who recites this psalm in the morning, the person who 
remembers the five gems of Lord Ganesha, in his pure heart, will 
immediately recover his body from scars and make life healthy, he 
will get the peak of education, long life, peace And with happiness, 
it will prosper with spiritual and physical prosperity.

बुधवार, 4 अप्रैल 2018

Ganesh Pancharatna Psalm in English Lyrics

Ganesh Pancharatna Psalm

Ganesh Chaturthi is considered as the best for the cultivation of Ganesha. By worshiping this 10 days, Lord Ganesha gives a boon to the seeker of all accomplishments and desires. In the morning, after reading the meditation of the Shree Ganesh Pancharatna, all the desires of the person are completed. 

The importance of this psalm created by Adi Guru Shankaracharya is unique -

Ganesh Pancharatna saint by Adi Guru Shankaracharya
     Muda karatt modakam sada vimukti sadhkam|
     Kaldharavasantkam vilasilok hkshakam|
     Anjykaik nayakam vinashitebha daityakam|
     Natashubhashu nashkam namami tam vinayakam||1||
     Natetirati bhikaram navoditark bhaswaram|
     Namtsurari nirjaram natadhikaududdharam|
     Sureshwaram nadhiswarm gajeswaram ganeshwarm|     
     Maheswarm tamashraye pratparam nirantaram||2||
     Samast lok shankaram nirast daitya kunjaram |
     Daretarodaram varam varebh vaktramraksharam|
     Kripakaram kshamakaram mudakaram yashashkaram|
     Manaskaram namaskritam namskaromi bhaswaram||3||
     Akinchnarti marjanam chirantnokti bhajanam|
     Purari poorva nandanam surari garv charvanam|
     Prapanch nash bhishanam dhananjyadi bhushanam|
     Kapol danvaram bhaje puran varanam||4||

     Nitanti kanti dant kanti mant kanti katmajam|
     Achintya roopmant heen mantray krintanam|
     Hridantare nirantaram vasantmev yoginam|
     Tamekdantmev tam vichintayami santatam||5||
     Mahaganesh panchratnamadaren yonvaham|
     Prajalpati prabhatake haridi smaran ganeshwarm|
     Arogatamdoshatam susahitim suputratam|
     Samahitayu rashtabhooti mabhyupaiti sochirat||
Iti Shri Shankracharya virachitam Shri Mahaganesh 
Panchratnam sampurnam.

Its implications are as follows:
I  offer  Goddess Ganesha  with  modak  with  his  hands, 
which is the provider of salvation. The moon whose heads 
are crowned like a crown is King of King, who killed the 
elephant named Gazasur and demolished the sins of all the 
people worshiping Ganesha. || 1||
I pay constant attention to Lord Ganesha, who are not dedicated, who shine like the Usha period, which all the monsters and deities respect, which are the best in God.||2||
I bow my mind before the shining Lord Ganapati, who is the
provider of all the happiness of the world, who killed the 
Gazasur demon, who has a big stomach, has a beautiful face 
like an elephant, which is indestructible, even forgiveness 
Forgive and provide happiness and fame, and are the 
providers of wisdom || 3 ||
I worship those elephants like God who remove the pain of 
the poor, who is the abode of Om, who is the first son of Lord 
Shiva, who is going to destroy the enemies of God, who are 
fierce like destruction, Those who are wicked like a yard and 
are Dhananjay and bear the snake as their jewelery || 4 ||

I always reflect that God with tender teeth, whose teeth are 
very beautiful, whose form is immortal and indestructible, 
who remove all obstacles, and who always live in the heart of 
Yogis. || 5 ||
The person who recites this psalm in the morning, the person 
who remembers the five gems of Lord Ganesha, in his pure 
heart, will immediately recover his body from scars and make 
life healthy, he will get the peak of education, long life, peace 
And with happiness, it will prosper with spiritual and physical 

मिथुन राशि वालों के लिए मित्र और शत्रु ग्रह !

मेष राशि नमस्कार दोस्तों, आज से सभी 12 राशियों की जानकारी देने के लिए   एक श्रृंखला सुरू करने जा रही हैं जिसमे हर दिन एक एक राशि के बारे में...